“Primasius of Hadrumetum, Commentary on the Apocalypse”
This commentary is one of the most important patristic commentaries on the Book of Revelation, but has never been translated into any modern language. Primasius’s sources included Tyconius, Jerome, and Augustine, but most of the commentary is original material. In the early Middle Ages, the Venerable Bede and Ambrose Autpert used Primasius’s commentary extensively in their own.
“The Rapture Before Darby”
This two-volume work will discuss teaching on the rapture in early and medieval Christianity. Besides the majority view that the rapture is the resurrection of the living saints when Christ returns for the Last Judgment, it will show examples from texts in which the rapture was the means for escaping the fire of doomsday or escaping the Antichrist. Chapters on the rapture in the Apocalypse of Elijah, the Narration of Isaiah, and the History of Brother Dolcino will be included. Other chapters examine texts in early and medieval Christianity related to temporal succession in the resurrection, ascensions of individuals before the general resurrection, and the concept of a two-stage Second Coming. Finally it will highlight various precursors of modern pre-tribulationism in the two centuries preceding J.N. Darby. The content of some of the chapters were previously discussed by me in various conference papers and journal articles. For a projected table of contents, click here.
“Amillennialism and the Early Church”
This book, which I started over a decade ago, explores the ideas of early Christian writers who were not chiliast in their understanding of the thousand years of Revelation 20. I have some of the chapters in outline form and presented most of the chapters as conference papers. I would like to finish this project in the next few years. For a projected table of contents, click here.