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- Translation of and Essay on a Fifth-Century Text on PredestinationIn April of 2024 a chapter by me was published in a book entitled Ruined Sinners to Reclaim: Sin and Depravity in… Read more: Translation of and Essay on a Fifth-Century Text on Predestination
- Translations of Two Early Medieval Texts on the New JerusalemIn February 2024 the book Revelation’s New Jerusalem in Late Antiquity, edited by Nathan Betz, Anthony Dupont, and Johan Leemans, was published.… Read more: Translations of Two Early Medieval Texts on the New Jerusalem
- New Essay on Scripture in FulgentiusAn essay entitled “Scripture in Fulgentius of Ruspe” was recently published by DeGuyter as Chapter 15 in the book The Bible in… Read more: New Essay on Scripture in Fulgentius
- Recent Publication of Cassiodorus’s Brief Explanations of the ApocalypseThe full title of the book, hot off the press in August 2022, is entitled Cassiodorus, St. Gregory the Great, and Anonymous… Read more: Recent Publication of Cassiodorus’s Brief Explanations of the Apocalypse
- New Translation of a Commentary on the Apocalypse by Pseudo-Cyril of AlexandriaHappy New Year! I am happy to announce the publication of Pseudo-Cyril of Alexandria. Commentary on the Apocalypse by Francis X. Gumerlock… Read more: New Translation of a Commentary on the Apocalypse by Pseudo-Cyril of Alexandria
- Recent Publications, 2020I wanted to update you on some writings of mine that were published recently (in 2020). Translations by me of portions of… Read more: Recent Publications, 2020
- Exegesis of the Apocalypse in the Tenth CenturyInterpretation of the Book of Revelation in the early Middle Ages has received much scholarly attention, especially the commentaries from the sixth… Read more: Exegesis of the Apocalypse in the Tenth Century
- The Rapture in an Eleventh-Century TextNew Article. An article written by me, entitled “The Rapture in an Eleventh-Century Text,” was published in the journal Bibliotheca Sacra 176… Read more: The Rapture in an Eleventh-Century Text
- Latest Book Release: Carolingian Commentaries on the Apocalypse by Theodulf and SmaragdusI am happy to announce the release of the book Carolingian Commentaries on the Apocalypse by Theodulf and Smaragdus by Francis X.… Read more: Latest Book Release: Carolingian Commentaries on the Apocalypse by Theodulf and Smaragdus
- Forthcoming Books & Articles in 2019First, to all of our readers and visitors, I wish you a blessed New Year. Concerning books and articles to be published in… Read more: Forthcoming Books & Articles in 2019
Featured Books

My English translation of Tyconius’s Exposition of the Apocalypse has been published. It is in Volume 134 of the Fathers of the Church series. I hope you get a copy and enjoy reading his explanations of the Book of Revelation.
Tyconius wrote this Exposition about 380 AD. It is useful in many ways. He interpreted John’s visions to make them relevant for the church of all times, similar to modern “idealist” interpretations. He also believed that some passages in Revelation were symbolic of the future persecution of Antichrist, the Second Coming, and the Last Judgment.
He believed that the Book of Revelation is recapitulatory, rather than visions of events that reflect chronological order. On some familiar passages and themes, Tyconius saw the 144,000 as a symbol of the whole church. Likewise, the two witnesses are symbolic of the church prophesying in both testaments. Those sitting on thrones and reigning for a thousand years represent the present reign of the saints; and the first resurrection “is in this life through forgiveness of sins.”
The introduction and notes to the translation of Tyconius were written by David Charles Robinson of Toronto.
For a review of our book in Augustinian Studies 50:2 (2019), click here.
For a review of our book in Russian, click here.
To order Tyconius of Carthage, Exposition of the Apocalypse from Amazon, click here.
I leave you with an encouragement from a Syriac commentator: “Let us spiritually refresh ourselves in the Apocalypse of the Son of God which is very dear and wonderful.”
Carolingian Commentaries on the Apocalypse by Theodulf and Smaragdus by Francis X. Gumerlock, contains English translations of the commentary on the Book of Revelation by Theodulf of Orleans from the year 810 and of three homilies from the year 812 by Smaragdus of Saint-Mihiel on Rev 1:1-5; Rev 4:1-10; and Rev 14:1-5.
The book is available from Amazon.

Gottschalk and a Medieval Predestination Controversy: Texts Translated from the Latin. This book provides for the first time an English translation of Gottschalk’s key writings on predestination and various reactions from leading theologians of the ninth century, as well as an introduction to Gottschalk’s life and controversies.
For a review of this book see Catholic Books Review:
Victor GENKE & Francis X. GUMERLOCK, editors and translators, Gottschalk & A Medieval Predestination Controversy.
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Read a review of Gottschalk & A Medieval Predestination Controversy as published in Augustinian Studies 41:2 (PDF)
Read a review of Gottschalk and a Medieval Predestination Controversy in Italian from Medioevo Latino journal. (Image file)
Read a review of Gottschalk and a Medieval Predestination Controversy from The Medieval Review. (HTML)
Read a review of Gottschalk and a Medieval Predestination Controversy in Croatian from Historiografija. (HTML)
Read a review of Gottschalk and a Medieval Predestination Controversy from the Westminster Theological Journal. (PDF)