I am elated to announce the forthcoming publication in Fathers of the Church of important writings of Fulgentius of Ruspe (d. 533) never before published in English. The translators are Donald Fairbairn, professor of Early Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina, and his colleague Rob Roy McGregor.
McGregor and Fairbairn’s translation of Fulgentius’ Letter 17 is most welcome. This letter is really a treatise, sixty-seven chapters in length, on Christology and the theology of grace.
Also included in the forthcoming volume are Fulgentius’ three books On the Truth of Predestination and Grace. These were very influential upon early medieval authors like Isidore of Seville and Gottschalk of Orbais. In fact in the late 700s Pope Hadrian was trying to settle a dispute in Spain about predestination, and said the problem would be solved if they just understood the views of Fulgentius.
McGregor and Fairbairn’s volume of translated texts of Fulgentius was published in 2013 in the Fathers of the Church series of Catholic University of America Press. For my review of their book, published in Augustinian Studies in 2014, go to the sidebar of this website, scroll down to the bottom and look for it under “Books Reviewed by the Author.”
For more information about Fulgentius’ theology of grace, see my Fulgentius of Ruspe on the Saving Will of God now available in paperback from Mellen Press for half the price of the hardcover.