I am happy to announce the release of the book Carolingian Commentaries on the Apocalypse by Theodulf and Smaragdus by Francis X. Gumerlock. It contains English translations of the commentary on the Book of Revelation by Theodulf of Orleans from the year 810 and of three homilies from the year 812 by Smaragdus of Saint-Mihiel on Rev 1:1-5; Rev 4:1-10; and Rev 14:1-5.
The introduction discusses the life and writings of these authors Theodulf and Smaragdus, summarizes the contents of the writings on the Book of Revelation, and examines the sources which they used. It also explains their place in early ninth-century biblical exegesis.
On the term “Carolingian,” the Latin word for “Charles” is “Carolus.” The term “Carolingian” refers to the very influential time and dynasty in the early middle ages, some of whose rulers were Charles Martel (aka: Charles the Hammer), Charlemagne, and Charles the Bald.
The book is available from Medieval Institute Publications at Western Michigan University (click here) and on Amazon. I hope that you secure a copy for yourself and perhaps additional copies as holiday gifts for friends. You can also recommend that your local or academic library purchase a copy for their stacks.
God bless you as you read these fascinating texts and may your Thanksgiving and Christmas be filled with joy, peace, and refreshment.